09 октября 2013
Лекция профессора Принстонского университета М.Н.Шнейдера

10 октября в 16:00 в ауд.1011 Института ВМиИТ-ВМК  (Кремлевская, 35) состоится лекция профессора Принстонского университета Михаила Наумовича Шнейдера "Energy Addition into Hypersonic Flow  for Drag Reduction and Flow Control".

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Dr. Mikhail N. Shneider received a master’s degree in theoretical physics (with honors) from the Kazan State University, Russia, a Ph.D. in Plasma physics and Chemistry from All-Union Electrotechnical Institute, Moscow and Doctor of Sciences (highest scientific degree in Russia) in Plasma physics and Chemistry from Institute for High Temperatures, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. Since 1998 until the present, Dr. Shneider has been working at the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department, Princeton University. At present he is a Senior Scientist in the Applied Physics Group. His research interests are in the theoretical study of gas discharge physics; physical gasdynamics; atmospheric electrical phenomena; non-linear optics and laser-matter interaction. Dr. Shneider has more than 130 papers in refereed journals (7 review papers) and one book.

Источник информации: Заместитель директора Института ВМиИТ-ВМК В.В.Бандеров