14 February 2024
Public lecture "German-speaking writers - Nobel Prize winners in literature"

The lesson was conducted by Professor of the Department of German Philology Elena Shastina.

On the occasion of the Day of Russian Science a public lecture by Elena Shastina, Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of German Philology, dedicated to German-language literature of the 20th-21st centuries was held at the Foreign Languages Department of Elabuga Institute of KFU. 2-5-year students - future teachers and translators took part in the conversation. German-language literature includes literature from Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Students got acquainted with the life and work of T. Mann, G. Belle, G. Grass, G. Müller and other representatives of German literature.

Source of information: Elena Shastina, Professor of the Department of German Philology, Elabuga Institute of KFU