08 November 2023
Students from China are interning at Elabuga Institute of KFU.

During the year, foreigners will study the Russian language and literature at the university.

The internship of four female students of NorthWest Normal University of Lanzhou City in China has begun at Elabuga Institute of KFU. They will study "Russian language and literature" and attend classes together with third-year students of the university.

The students from China arrived as part of an exchange program under the agreement between Kazan Federal University and NorthWest Normal University. So far, the participants of the internship got acquainted with the oldest pedagogical university of the Volga region, the city of Elabuga and began studying an introductory language course.

In May, the internship participants will have to take exams.

Source of information: press service of Elabuga Institute of KFU