15 May 2013
New programs at the School of Public Administration

«IT-technologies within the public administration"

The current stage of development of a society characterized by intensive informatization of all spheres of his life. The transition to a market economy required from authorities not only basic changes in the functional and organizational-legal relations, but also new approaches to information and analytical support decision-making.

Actuality of the problem is confirmed by federal law № 149-FZ "On Information, Information Technologies and Protection of Information" from 27.07.06, Part IV of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and a number of other fundamental documents that have intensified the process of creation and implementation of information systems and information technology the field of public administration.

Informatization of public administration has been regarded leadership and officials of the government as an essential technological tool that provides timely processing of requests and contributing to the development and informed decision-making.

Category audience: State and municipal officials in charge of the official Websites of government and municipal agencies.


"Normative - legal regulation of local government: state, problems and prospects (electronic household book)"

The basis of legal regulation of local government are the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the European Charter of Local Self-Government and the Federal Law N 131-FZ "On General Principles of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation."

The regulatory framework of the Russian local government quite clearly defines the parameters of its functioning as an institution most closely associated with the people of the emerging and existing under the direct mandate from the bottom. However, we can state that the principles developed by the European experience management decentralization, subsidiarity, self-organization to address the issues of local importance is not adequately reflected in the Russian legislation.

One of the most pressing issues today local governments - the discrepancy of the powers of local self-government information at their disposal the material and financial resources. Economic and financial base of most municipalities is insufficient to carry out the functions of local government.

Category audience: deputy heads of local government leaders and experts of the legal services.

Source of information: School of Public Administration