05 October 2022
Congratulations, dear teachers!

Teacher's Day was celebrated at the Yelabuga Institute

For 124 years, pedagogical education has been the leading area of training at the Yelabuga Institute, and a special pride lies in the fact that the training of pedagogical personnel has not stopped for a year.

Traditionally, the event took place in the assembly hall and began with the anthem of Kazan Federal University. The honorary right to congratulate the staff of students and teachers of the college, the "University" school and the Yelabuga Institute was granted to the director Elena Merzon: "First of all, I want to convey my sincere congratulations from my heart to your heart on our wonderful holiday, on the holiday that makes us a little happier every day, because it allows us to do what we love and an important thing. Happy holidays, dear colleagues." Elena Efimovna remembered how she first came to school as a history teacher, and reminded how much the profession of a teacher keeps in itself.

An important component of education in Yelabuga is the preservation of pedagogical traditions and the development of innovative technologies. Elena Merzon invited to the stage the chairman of the Council of Veterans and a member of the Council of Elders of Kazan Federal University, Professor Anatoly Razzhivin: "From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you and us on a wonderful holiday – happy Teacher's Day! An amazing and unique profession, whose professional holiday is celebrated by the whole country. There is not a single family in which today they would not remember that there is such a holiday. God grant that it will always be like this! I appeal to the young people who are sitting here now: this is a profession that never lets you relax, always makes you study at whatever age you would not be, because otherwise you will fall behind. A profession that obliges you to always look great, because hundreds and hundreds of eyes look at you every day."

During the celebration, the college of the Elabuga Institute of KFU was presented and introduced to young teachers who had already attended a drawing lesson and participated in a drawing contest.

Chairman of the Trade Union of workers of the Elabuga Institute of KFU Raziya Akhtarieva joined the warm words of congratulations: "What happiness when we touch a growing and small child, and after many years he becomes a student who comes to study with us. This is the great happiness of teaching, what is called the teaching profession. I really want our professional holiday to become ours for my students here. And after many years they said, "I am also a teacher."

Soon the lessons continued, and all those present felt themselves in the role of students, because every person, according to the words that have already been heard from Anatoly Razzhivin, "was once a student, so it's very nice." Classes in music, history, literature and drawing did not leave anyone indifferent – for example, they remembered the significant works of famous people.

The event was decorated with creative performances from students of the Yelabuga Institute: in each of the productions one could read love and respect for their teachers.

Source of information: press service of Elabuga Institute of KFU