15 December 2021
INTERNATIONAL WEBINAR A Model of an Exemplary Teacher for the VUCA World (World of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity)

On December 15, 2021 the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication hosted an international webinar "A Model of an Exemplary Teacher for the VUCA World (the World of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity)"

This webinar is one of the international projects organized by the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication of Kazan Federal University (Russia) on a regular basis. There have been successfully conducted a series of International webinars with our foreign colleagues from India, Israel, and the United States of America on the most important education issues.

This webinar was devoted to the up-to-date topic “A Model of an Exemplary Teacher for the VUCA World (World of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity)”, and contributed to developing a greater understanding of world educational systems and a more internationalized perspective on teaching and learning processes.

The Deputy Director of the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication Professor Iskander E. Yarmakeev (Russia) and the Director of Partap College of Education Professor Balwant Singh (India) addressed the participants of the webinar with their welcome speeches.

The issues the participants were discussing were as follows:

● What makes the teacher “Teacher”?

● How does the exemplary teacher differ from anyone else?

● How to become an exemplary teacher for the world of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity?

● Who decides that the teacher is exemplary?

● A portrait of an exemplary teacher for school 4.0: What does it look like?


The webinar was attended by more than 95 University teachers and students from Russia, India, China, Turkmenistan, and Kazakhstan. All participants of the webinar noted its excellent organization. The topics of the presentations were thought-provoking and triggered discussion on a wide range of issues related to the theme of the webinar.

We thank the organizers of the webinar “A Model of an Exemplary Teacher for the VUCA World (World of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity)” – The Department of Bilingual and Digital Education of Kazan Federal University and Partap College of Education, and hope that new projects await us!


Source of information: Tatiana S. Pimenova, Albina R. Abdrafikova