04 April 2013
Kazan Federal University Forms a Primary Stage of Educational Cluster

On the 29th of March the Academic Board of Kazan Federal University took a decision on a new subdivision organizing in the structure of the University – Lobachevskiy Lyceum of Kazan Federal University. Together with IT-lyceum they will form the first stage of the educational cluster.

Primary stage of KFU educational cluster is being created owing to new tasks of finding and further training of especially talented university entrants, which are set by the University before itself. Both lyceums will get federal status. From this year on the right to participate in contests for entrance to these educational institutions will be granted to all Russian schoolchildren, beginning from the 7th grade.

The new structural unit is being organized on the basis of MAOU (Minor Autonomous Educational Institution) Lobachevskiy Lyceum under Kazan State University of Vakhitovskiy district of Kazan-city. The lyceum founder will be changed, as well. From now on it will be Kazan Federal University instead of Kazan-city Board of Education.

In Lobachevskiy Lyceum of Kazan Federal University education will be provided in two main profiles – Physics and Mathematics, and Natural Sciences.

Students of MAOU Lobachevskiy Lyceum under Kazan State University are automatically transferred to KFU structure.

With two lyceums for children with outstanding talents integrated into KFU structure, the University will get an opportunity to supervise and direct development of young “stars” and help them to take the high road of progress in research and profession. Now schoolchildren studying in the lyceum will get access to scientific and laboratory basis of the University. Furthermore, we are ready to offer any kind of consulting and expert assistance of the University faculty to lyceum teaching staff. I am sure that all the aforementioned will become a stimulus for even higher results in innovation solution searching for talented schoolchildren education, as well as a stimulus for further lyceum development, – supposes Rector of Kazan Federal University, Mr. Ilshat Gafurov.

The first meeting of the new founder with pedagogical staff of the lyceum will take place on the 2nd of April, a meeting with students’ parents is scheduled for the 3rd of April.

Source of information: Press-Centre
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