30 April 2020
URGENT! New dates for the medical practice

Dear students!

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health and Ministry of science and higher education of 27.04.2020 №378/619 “About organization of practical training for students of educational programs for higher medical education in circumstances of prevention for COVID spread on the territory of the Russian Federation”, and also in accordance with KFU Rector’s order “About organization of practical training for students of educational programs for higher medical education in circumstances of prevention for COVID spread on the territory of the Russian Federation” dates for passing medical practice for students of 4th and 5th courses for specialties “General medicine” and for students of 4th course for specialty “Dentistry” have been shifted.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of health of 19.03.2020 №198н “About temporary order of organization of work for medical organizations in order to carry out preventive measures and decrease risks of COVID spread” starting from 01.05.2020 theoretical course will begin in distance format in the amount of 72 academic hours. The rest of the amount of practical practice all students who are currently in Kazan will pass in medical clinics of KFU.

University will do the best to provide you with safe conditions for passing medical practice.

All detailed information will be sent to you as soon as we get it. We will keep you updated, don’t worry.

If you have any questions, please send them to deansoffice@kpfu.ru

Source of information: Екатерина Чилимова