03 March 2020
Students of the Elabuga Institute of KFU attended a public lecture on the 100th anniversary of the TASSR

Representatives of the state archive of the Republic of Tatarstan became guests of the Yelabuga Institute and introduced students to the history of the formation and development of the TASR.

Students were presented unique historical documents and video sequences that are presented in the archives. The public lecture was organized in the format of an interactive conversation, during which students had the opportunity to answer questions, test their attentiveness and already accumulated knowledge.

"The main purpose of our trips is, of course, educational. We strive to ensure that the people of the Republic are interested in and know as much as possible about their homeland, because the history of each region is unique," said Olga shafigullina, head of the organizational and methodological Department of the State archive of the Republic of Tatarstan.

"I was very interested in listening to professionals who paid attention to even the smallest details. Being, firstly, a future history teacher, and secondly, a native of the neighboring region, I discovered a lot of useful and new information that I will definitely need in my future teaching activities, " said Svetlana Kalyakina, a student of the faculty of Philology and history