28 February 2020
Collective monograph of scientists from different countries

In Belarus, under the editorship of Professor MP Zhigalova, a collective monograph “Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin and World Culture: Theory and Practice” was published, the creation of which was worked for many years by scientists from various fields of the humanities (philosophy, philology, psychology and ethnogenesis, pedagogy and methodology, cultural studies, history, historiography, etc.).

The annotation of the reputable publication emphasizes that the monograph summarizes the results of research by leading scientists from various regions of Belarus, Germany, Poland, Russia, the United States on the study of the life and work of A. Pushkin in the "big" and "small" time, its relationships and contacts, life his descendants.

Historical and philosophical, sociocultural and linguistic, literary and psychological, pedagogical problems are considered in the context of time, dialogue and polylogue of cultures, understanding and studying the work of A.S. Pushkin in the modern multicultural space of schools and universities.
the head of the monograph was written by professor of IPO KFU V. Gabdulkhakov.