29 July 2019
Summer School on Network Analysis

The head of the laboratory, Polina Ermolaeva has participated in the summer school on network analysis, which was held at the St. Petersburg State University's Center for German and European Studies.

Eliza Bellotti has opened school sessions by leading a two-day course on introducing network analysis and network data collection methodologies. Eliza is a member of the Mitchell Center for Social Network Analysis, an associate professor at the faculty of sociology at the University of Manchester, and an associate editor of Social Networks. The second part of the course was led by Julia Brenetsky, Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Management, University of Liverpool.

Network analysis concepts, methods, and techniques were reviewed within the course, such as network research, visualization and practical exercises for data collection. Participants also learned how to process the data on the egocentric and sociocentric networks using specialized software and conducting analysis leveraging such tools as UNICET and ERGMs.

The full program of the 3rd St. Petersburg Summer School on network analysis and information related to previous Schools is available at http://zdes.spbu.ru/en/25-scientific-dialog/783-school-on-network-analysis.