09 July 2019
Master's theses were defended in English

At the department of bilingual and digital education we had the defense of our master’s thesis.  It was unique and important experience, as for the first time in our department the defense was held in English. At first, we were worried that there might be some problems due to the language barrier, however, now we can say with confidence that everything went well!

It is important to note that the English language made the defense process more engaging - it was very interesting to listen to the speeches of the groupmates, the committee members were supportive to us and asked serious questions that were clearly on the topic and most importantly, the foreign language did not become an obstacle to understanding.

In our opinion, the pre-defense played a huge role in the successful defense of our master’s theses - a kind of “dress rehearsal”, thanks to which everyone was perfectly prepared.

In general, we believe that defense in English has become a positive experience in our learning process.


Source of information: Master students of group # 10.2-708