04 June 2019
The president of the International Janusz Korczak Association Marek Michalak: 'Children's rights is the responsibility of the government, scientists, non-governmental organizations, parents and educators'

The president of the International Janusz Korczak Association Marek Michalak: ‘Children’s rights is the responsibility of the government, scientists, non-governmental organizations, parents and educators’

The Polish educator, social activist, the president of the International Janusz Korczak Association Marek Michalak spoke to the participants of the fifth IFTE forum about the ways Janusz Korczak’s educational ideas continue to be implemented in educational communities around the world.

Marek Michalak believes that Janusz Korczak was a great educator who taught how to talk to a child, love and understand a child. He advocated children’s rights. Unfortunately, children are more often abused and victimized nowadays which is worrying. Children in many countries around the world are still subjected to economic and sexual abuse.