04 April 2019
The IV International Student Scientific and Educational Conference "Student Scientific Community of the XXI Century" is held in KFU

Not only more than 30 1-4 year students of the Institute of International Relations and the Institute of Psychology and Education, undergraduates of KFU, students of the Pedagogical College of Kazan, teachers from Kazan and Kazan universities take part in the International Student Scientific Educational Conference “Student Scientific Community of the XXI Century”   Almetyevsk,    but also foreign guests and students from Afghanistan, China, Indonesia.

- The conference is a kind of forum that allows students leading scientific research in various institutes of Kazan University to share their achievements on topical issues of modern   science, present a wide range of research methods, consider the most important problems from different points of view, try your hand at scientific discussions, ”the conference co-chair told ,   Associate Professor of the Methodology of Teaching and Education at the Institute of Psychology and Education of the KFU Nadezhda Yachina .


The focus of the conference is the problems that the organizers brought to the work of the sections:   Health saving activities in the education system: theory and practice;   Inclusive education: current issues of domestic theory and practice;   Innovative processes in education;   General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education;   Pedagogy of higher vocational school; Professional competence: problems, searches, solutions;   Family pedagogy and home education;   Modern technologies in educational science;   The history of Russia from ancient times to the present;   Actual issues of universal history.

According to the organizer of the conference, in recent years, the university has seen an increase in the efficiency and effectiveness of student research. And this conference showed that the student   KFU youth are actively involved   in research activities   ready to solve methodological problems caused by current problems.

- The results of the International Student Research and Education Conference "Student Scientific Community of the XXI Century" allow us to conclude that attracting students to scientific work at the earliest stages of study at the university helps them to master the scientific method of cognition, more successfully master the educational material. Scientific work fosters a creative attitude to the future profession, allows students to become familiar with the rich scientific traditions of the university, ”Nadezhda Yachina summarized .





Source of information: Галина Хасанова