07 March 2019
When will the university and educational organizations become partners accompanied by children with autism spectrum disorder?

The cooperation of the university and educational organizations of the city in supporting children with autism spectrum disorders was discussed at a seminar held on March 4 at the IPO.


The seminar was attended by the leadership and teachers of the Institute of Psychology and Education, representatives of the Department of Education and the City Psychological, Medical and Pedagogical Commission of Kazan, heads of kindergartens in all districts of the city.

- I want to remind you that the project of the Institute of Psychology and Education of KFU "Development and implementation of an adapted basic educational program for preschool education of children with autism spectrum disorder" was given the status of the Federal Innovation Site. The FIP status demonstrates a complete understanding of the current situation at the state level, the acceptance of the autism problem and the taking of initiative and responsibility to solve the problem within a system-integrated and highly professional approach to solving the ASD problem, Anna Akhmetzyanova, head of the department of defectology and clinical psychology at the KFU Institute of Psychology and Education, explained.


At the first stage of the project implementation, teachers of the Department of Defectology and Clinical Psychology at the Institute of Psychology and Education of KFU conduct an assessment of the quality of the activities of organizations involved in the education of children with autism spectrum disorder; conditions for the development of social adaptation potential and the difficulties of the process of socialization of preschool children with autism spectrum disorder, their peculiarities of psychophysical development, ”added Anna Ivanovna.


Among the main topics of the seminar were outlined the prospects of accompanying children with ASD in a consortium of educational and scientific organizations, talked about a comprehensive assessment of the quality of activities of educational organizations implementing AOOP DOO children with ASD, made an assessment of the level of formation of educational, speech and social skills of preschool children with ASD.


At the last seminar, participants identified the need for interaction between theory and practice, reality and hypotheses. The results of cooperation will create the most correct way to support children with ASD.


KFU scientists are working to create a single resource base of modern technologies and methods of diagnosis and correction, a model of integrated support for children with autism spectrum disorder in a consortium of educational and scientific organizations.


“The foundation has been laid, and the no less competitive periphery is to be built up - the transition from support and maintenance to the stages of development and socialization, adaptation and disclosure of the unique personal potential of children with ASD,” the seminar organizers summed up.