The traditional conference was organized by the Department of Russian and World Literature, and gathered scholars from all the regions of Russia and other countries.
The conference is unique. It is the only event in Russia focusing on one of the main and actual tendencies of contemporary literature and art – the synthesis of fiction and non-fiction. It became urgent after the World War II, and still is one of the most productive ways of creating the works of art.
110 papers were presented during the three working days of the conference in a plenary session and seven workshops on theoretical problems of the non-fictional genres, document in art, history of documentary literature, the form variety in interaction of fictional and non-fictional in literature and arts, the stylistic diversity of the literary works featuring the synthesis of fictional and non-fictional, and etc. Traditionally, one of the workshops was in English.
The speakers represented different countries and regions. The range of topics discussed was very wide. For example, Professor Pavel Balditsyn from Lomonosov Moscow State University gave the plenary lecture devoted to the famous documentary novel Babi Yar by A. Kuznetsov. Professor of Moscow State Conservatory Svetlana Sigida presented the paper Synthesis of Fiction and Non-Fiction in the USA Opera on the Example of John Adams and Jay Reise. The paper Biographical Fiction: Nietzsche in Literature presented by Professor Elmar Schenkel from Leipzig, Germany, aroused interest of the listeners, both scholars and students.
The round table discussion was devoted to the problem of fictional and non-fictional in cinema. The presentations made were devoted to different topics concerning cinema classics and new tendencies.
All the participants of the conference mentioned the highest level of organization and the importance of the problems discussed.