03 November 2017

The opening speech was given by the chairman of the expert council Aleeva Gulnara Khalilovna, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of German Philology. She introduced the participants of the workshop to the members of the expert council: Albina R. Kayumova, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of German Philology; Bashkirova Karina Aleksandrovna, assistant of the Department of German Philology. She wished good luck to the participants.

13 participants represented schools of Kazan, Laishevo, Tetyushi, Almetyevsk, Nizhnekamsk, Arsky district, Baltasinsky district, Tyulyachinsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan; and there was a participant from Orenburg region.

Topics of reports can be divided into 6 sub-topics:

1. Lexicology and phraseology of modern English

2. Syntax (namely punctuation) of modern English

3. Country studies

4. Stylistics of modern English

5. Methods of teaching English

6. The sciences

Work of the participants was evaluated by the council members on the following criteria: the novelty of the research, its creative character, the degree of the author's autonomy, the logic of the presentation, the capacity for scientific analysis, the depth of knowledge of the topic, the use of knowledge outside the school curriculum, the ability to present convincingly and visually his/her research, evidence and erudition when answering questions.

Members of the expert council, teachers, scientific councilors and the participants themselves listened with attention to all the reports and asked questions. Everybody joined discussion.

The reports of the winners of the workshop should be mentioned. They are reports given by Gaffarova Aliya (8th grade) and Demidov Anatoly (11th grade); prizewinners of the II degree were Davletshina Alsu (9th grade), Kirilov Vladislav (10th grade), Tereshkina Liana (9th grade); prize-winners of the third degree were Zaripova Kadria (9th grade), Ziganshin Artem (11th grades), Petrukhina Elena (11th grade), and Fedorchenko Olga (9th grade).

Source of information: Elena Varlamova