18 October 2017
Elabuga Institute scientist took part in a Conference White-tailed Sea Eagle 2017 in Estonia

Ornithologists from 20 countries met at a conference devoted to the so-called indicators of the environment.

Head of the science laboratory Birds Monitoring and Protection Renur Bekmansurov took part in a scientific event White-tailed Sea Eagle 2017. Ninety-three participants from 20 countries came to Estonia: Island, the USA, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Germany, Austria, Croatia, Serbia, Hungary, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus, Russia, and Azerbaijan.

Renur Bekmansurov made a report devoted to the history of forming new nest places of white-tailed eagles after the water storages had been built in the Volzhsko-Kamskiy Region.

The Volzhsko-Kamskiy Region is a vast region which covers 525 square kilometers. In the 1950s the number of white-tailed eagles reduced. One of the reasons is the anthropogenic changes caused by the water storages built in the Kama and the Volga rivers. Gradually, white-tailed eagles adapted to the new environment. In addition, the birds were protected by law. Hunting and insecticides were forbidden in the region. These led to the increase in the population of the birds. At the moment there are at least 1000 white-tailed eagles in the region. But according to the monitoring results the future of the white-tailed eagles depends on the people’s behavior’.

The participants of the conference discussed problems devoted to the further monitoring of the white-tailed sea eagles in the Baltic Sea Region. The Russian scientists had a great opportunity to share their experience and research results with the foreign colleagues.

The 3rd conference devoted to white-tailed sea eagles will take place in 2022 in Scotland. 

Source of information: Press service of Elabuga Institute of KFU