05 July 2017
Graduates of Elabuga Institute of KFU: "Ready for a professional triumph!"

Diplomas of KFU were handed over to the 10 best graduates of Elabuga Institute of KFU by the rector Ilshat Gafurov.

On July 4, a special presentation of diplomas with honors to the best graduates took place at the Institute of Management, Economics and Finance of Kazan Federal University. Among the "conquerors" of the University Olympus were 10 excellent students of Elabuga Institute of KFU: Azila Sultanova, Dinara Almagambetova, Kamil Galimullin, Raila Ilaeva, Gulshat Narimanova, Albina Gallyamova, Diana Ziborova, Rustem Yarullin, Svetlana Kukarkina and Irina Chertischeva.

After the traditional words of greeting the rector and directors of 19 institutes handed diplomas - long-awaited tickets for adulthood and professional life to yesterday's students. To get a diploma from the hands of the rector was a great honor, according to the admissions of many graduates, -. Therefore, only those were awarded with such an opportunity who had added to their excellent studies a considerable contribution to the scientific, social, cultural and sporting life of the university, those who had participated in conferences, festivals, competitions, educational grants, sport championships and competitions. On that day 25 outstanding graduates were awarded with letters of thanks and memorable gifts. Railya Ilayeva, a student of the Faculty of Foreign Languages was awarded with the title "The Best graduate of Elabuga Institute of KFU" ​​.

Source of information: Dinara Almagambetova, press service of Elabuga Institute of KFU