Eremin Mikhail Vasilevich. Результативность работы. Персональная страница сотрудника КФУ. Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет.
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Eremin Mikhail Vasilevich
Еремин Михаил Васильевич
Нурмухаметов А.Р. / К теории необратимости в спектрах CuB2O4/ А.Р. Нурмухаметов, М. В. Еремин // Труды XXVI Международного симпозиума НАНОФИЗИКА И НАНОЭЛЕКТРОНИКА 14–17 марта 2022 г., Нижний Новгород, -2022. Том 1. С. 309
Eremin M. Theory of crystal fields and excitation spectra (optical and terahertz) in Fe2Mo3O8/ M. Eremin, K. Vasin, A. Hypmukhametov// IFS-2022. Book of abstracts, August 22-27, 2022, Moscow (Russia) .-2022. - C. 17-18.
On field dependence of nonreciprocity in optical spectra of CuB2O4
Theory of crystal fields and excitation spectra (optical and terahertz) in Fe2Mo3O8
Hurmukhametov A. On field dependence of nonreciprocity in optical spectra of CuB2O4 / A. Nurmukhametov, M. Eremin // IFS-2022. Book of abstracts, August 22-27, 2022, Moscow (Russia)/ -2022. - C. 159-160.
Eremin M.V. New Materials and New Tasks/ M. V. Eremin // Book Abstracts of XVII International Feofilov Symposium on Spectroscopy of Crystals Doped with Rare Earth and Transition Metal Ions- Ekaterinburg, Russia. Ural Federal University. September 23-28, 2018,- P. 39-40.
Eremin, M.V. Asymmetry of critical temperatures in e-and h- doped cuprates//SUPERSTRIPES 2017/ Quantum in Complex Matter: Superconductivity, Magnetism and Ferroelectricity, June 4-10, 2017 Ischia, Italy. Abstract book << SUPESTRIPES 2017>>.-P. 128-129
Eremin, M.V. Temperature dependence of penetration depth in presence of momentum-dependent CDW and superconducting order parameters / M. V. Eremin. D. A. Sunyaev//20-th Anniversary Stripes Conferences, June 23-29, 2016 Ischia, Italy. Abstract book « SUPESTRIPES 2016«.-P. 64-65
Eremin, M.V. Magnetic Susceptibility of Hole and Electron-doped HTSC Cuprates/ M. V. Eremin//Astracts of VI Euro-Asian Symposium "Trends in MAGnetism" (EASTMAG-2016).-August 15-19.-P.123. Krasnoyarsk, Kirensky Institute of Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch
Eremin M.V. Interplay between Local and Itinerant Components in Spin Response of HTSC/M.V. Eremin, M.A. Malakhov, I.M. Eremin// Совещание по физике низких температур, Программа, тезисы докладов, Казань, 29-июня-3 июля, Издательство Казанского университета.- 2015.-C.275
Sunyaev, D. Temperature dependence of superfluid density in case of coexistence of charge density waves with superconductivity/D. Sunyaev , M. Eremin// V INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE < FUNDAMENTAL PROBLEMS OF HIGH TEMPERATURE SUPERCONDUCTIVITY> . -2015. October 5-9, Malakhovka-Moscow. THE WORKBOOK OF EXTANDED ABSTRACTS. Moscow, LPI. -P. 114-115.
Eremin M. V. Dual Features of Spin and Charge Excitations in High-Tc Cuprates/ M. V. Eremin // Abstracts International conference Superstripes. -2015.-C. 17.
Eremin, M. V. Low-lying Energy States in FeCr2S4/ M.V. Eremin, R.A. Fatykhova, J. Deisenhofer/Book of abstracts, XVI International Feofilov Simposium on spectroscopy of crystals doped with rare earth and transition metal ions, 9-13 November 2015, Sant Peterburg, Russia -P. 47-48.
Eremin, M. V. Dual Features of Spin and Charge Excitatations in High-Tc Cuprates/M. V. Eremin// V INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE < FUNDAMENTAL PROBLEMS OF HIGH TEMPERATURE SUPERCONDUCTIVITY> . -2015. October 5-9, Malakhovka-Moscow. THE WORKBOOK OF EXTANDED ABSTRACTS. Moscow, LPI. -P. 62. Подробности: Любое использование материалов допускается только при наличии гиперссылки на портал КФУ (
Eremin M.V. Magnetic properties of rare-earth ions with orbital degenerate states ( oral)/ Program,Abstract of International Conference “Magnetic Resonance: Fundamental Research and Pioneering Applications« Kazan. 23-27 June. 2014. p.16
Eremin M. V. Collective Spin Excitations in HTSC Cuprates. Theory and NMR. Neutron and RIXS Data (oral)/ M. V. Eremin, I. M. Shugapov//Book of Abstracts. Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism. 29 June-3July, 2014, p. 907
M. V. Eremin.( invited talk )Dedicated to Prof. Yu. V. Yablokov. “Peculiarities of Interaction between Jahn-Teller Centers” International Symposium «Modern Development of Magnetic Resonance» International Symposium «Modern Development of Magnetic Resonance» 24-28 сентября 2013, Kazan, Russia.
M. V. Eremin. ( invited talk ) Frequency Dependence of Charge Susceptibility and Softening Phonon Modes in Cuprates/Program of International Conference Quantum in Complex Matter: Superconductivity, Magnetism and Ferroelectricity//Program of International Conference Quantum in Complex Matter:Superconductivity, Magnetism and Ferroelectricity SUPERSTRIPES (May 27th - June 1st 2013). Superstripes press. Science series.Ed. Antonio Bianconi.
Eremin M.V. Dual features of magnetic susceptibility in superconducting cuprates/M.V. Eremin, I,M. Shigapov, I.M. Eremin// Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism, August 21-25, 2011.
General information
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Professional results
57 years from 01.09.1967
54 years 5 months from 01.09.1967
Scientific and pedagogical experience:
57 years 7 months from 01.10.1965
General experience:
58 years 4 months from 01.11.1965
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