The Organizing Committee is pleased to invite you to participate in the VIIth International Symposium “Design and Synthesis of Supramolecular Architectures”, which will be held in the framework of XXVI International Chugaev Conference on Coordination Chemistry in Kazan (Russia), October 06–10, 2014. The Symposium will be focused on the all aspects of supramolecular chemistry and related fields of nanotechnology and advanced materials.


The Symposium is organized by Kazan Federal University, A.E.Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry (Kazan, Russia) and Russian Academy of Sciences in collaboration with the European Research Association “SupraChem” and D.I.Mndeleev Russian Chemical Society in the framework of XXVI International Chugaev Conference on Coordination Chemistry.

It will be located in the Cultural Center of Kazan Federal University.

Arrival day is October 05, 2014. The scientific program will start on Monday, October 06, 2014 and the last scientific session is prelimenary scheduled on Thursday, October 10, 2014.


Kazan is the capital of Tatarstan Republic and is situated along the Volga River in the European part of Russia. City is within 800 km to east from Moscow. Kazan is one of the oldest university’s cities and large scientific and cultural center of the Russia. This place is associated with the beginning of Russian organic chemistry and the names of outstanding chemists such as K.K.Klaus, N.N.Zinin, A.M.Butlerov, V.V.Markovnikov, A.M.Zajtsev, A.E.Arbuzov, B.A.Arbuzov. The spirit of chemistry of last centuries is carefully preserved in the museum of chemistry at the A.M.Butlerov Chemical Institute of Kazan State University.

Kazan is easily accessible by plane or train.




The Conference program will include Plenary Lectures, Short Lectures and Poster Presentations. Scientific program will be organized around the following topics: