Raushaniya Sagdatzyanovna Nurmukhametova,

Kazan Federal University,

2 Tatarstan Str., Kazan, 420021, Russia,



The article reviews the monograph “Vocabulary Related to Human Beings”by D.B.Ramazanova, Doctor of Philology, Professor. In this book by the famous dialectologist, Tatar lexical and semantic group is singled out for research (LSG describing parts of the body as well as human emotions, clothes, make-up, measure of weight, etc) and is analyzed in diachronic and synchronic aspects and in comparison with other languages. The paper describes semantic transitions in proper names, genetic aspects of vocabulary, and presents examples of vocabulary shared by Tatar with the Finno-Ugric languages. The fact that this group of words was formed in remote times is substantiated by extensive factual material.


Key words: vocabulary, lexical and semantic group, somatisms, terms.

