Iskander Ayazovich Gilyazov,

Kazan Federal University,

18 Kremlevskaya Str., Kazan, 420008,Russia,


The article deals with the main features and causes for the dispersed displacement of Tatars of the Volga region and Transurals on the territory of Commonwealth of Independent States and abroad in different historical periods. The dispersed settlement was caused by various reasons: natural, geographical, economic, political, national and religious. Some of these factors functioned themselves separately, some were combined with other factors. After 1552, the governmental policy had a special impact on Tatar resettlement. The dispersion of Tatars in Russia had generally been the result of natural causes: there were no Governmental documents issued to disperse Tatars. However, we believe that the government did not remain indifferent: Tatars – an economically, culturally and politically strong united ethnos – had always been a potentially serious competitor and opposition to orthodox Russia.


Key words: Tatars of the Volga region and Cisural area, diaspora, groups of diaspora, dispersion, emigration, resettlement.

