Mustafa Öner,

Ege University,

Turkey, 34100, Izmir, Bornova,


Gulistan bi't-turki written by SayfSarayi at the beginning of the 14th century is one of the most important literary monuments of the Old Kipchak Language as the central literary language of the Golden Horde Empire. The comparative research of the verbs used in Gulistan bi't-turki with their counterparts in three modern Kipchak languages (Karachay-Balkar, Bashkir and Tatar) demonstrated that 81% of the verbs used by Sayf-i Sarayi in Gulistan Tercumesi 700 years ago either coincide or have synonymous relations with the verbs in Tatar, Bashkir, and Karachay-Balkar. The Russian language was used as the metalanguage in the study.


Key words: Gulistan bi't-turki, Sayf Sarayi, Present Kipchak Language, Tatar language, Karachay-Balkar language, Bashkir language, comparative study.

