I. The Department Staff consists of 2 Full-Professors, 4 Assistant Professors, 2 Senior Lecturers, 2 Teaching assistants, 1 Ph.D. student, 2 aspirants. They are 2 Doctors of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, 6 Ph.D. Full-Professors and Assistant Professors delivers lectures on main educational subjects.

1. A. V. Mokshin, Head of Department, delivers lectures on subjects of Theoretical Physics (Quantum mechanics, Solid state physics); Work out education programs "Mathematical methods of physics of condensed matter", "Physics of liquid matter". 

2. Yu. A. Nefedyev, Full-Professor; delivers lectures and leads laboratory works on "Astronomy", delivers lectures and conducts tutorials on "Concepts of contemporary natural science".

3. R. M. Khusnutdinoff, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Deputy Head for Master program; delivers lectures and conducts tutorials on subjects of Theoretical Physics (Classical Mechanics and Special Theory of Relativity, Electrodynamics, Nuclear Physics), delivers lectures and conducts seminars on "Concepts of contemporary natural science", Work out education program "Introduction to nanotechnologies".

4. S. A. Demin, Senior Lecturer, Deputy Head for Research, delivers lectures and conducts tutorials on "Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics", "Concepts of contemporary natural science".

5. B. N. Galimzyanov, Ph.D. student, teaching assistant, conducts tutorials on "Simulation of the systems".

6. R. R. Khairullina, Engineer.

7. K.Y. Timoshenko, Engineer. 

II. The number of Full-professors and Ph.D. is there parts of the Department Staff. Department of Computational Physics takes an active hand in work of the Institute Councils.

III. Department of Computational Physics carries out a training of highly competitive professionals, able to solving the socially important problems in modern world. Thus the Department makes an important mission of forming a personality, having the fundamental background and able to develop the creative attainments within the existing social and cultural space. The Department uses a modern educational mediums and tools of knowledge control, which have permanent improvements. Particularly to check knowledge a bevy of interactive tests are used. For end of this purpose the Department staff works in the following directions:

Department of Computational Physics qualifies:

IV. The Department main fields of scientific researches:

V. The Department holds the recurrent workshop, which deals with the following possible issues: