Price for the one listener in 2010-2011.
The international English Qualifying Testing of Cambridge ESOL for children and teenagers (YLEStarters) – 2800 RUB.
The international English Qualifying Testing of Cambridge ESOL for children and teenagers (YLEFlyers) – 2800 RUB. The international English Qualifying Testing of Cambridge ESOL for children and teenagers (YLEMovers) – 2800 RUB.
The international English Qualifying Testing of Cambridge ESOL for children and teenagers (KETforSchools) – 3800 RUB.
The international English Qualifying Testing of Cambridge ESOL for children and teenagers (PETforSchools) – 4000 RUB.
The international English Qualifying Testing of Cambridge ESOL for children and teenagers (FCEforSchools) – 6500 RUB.
The international Qualifying Testing of Cambridge ESOL in general English (KET) – 3800 RUB.
The international Qualifying Testing of Cambridge ESOL in general English (PET) – 4000 RUB.
The international Qualifying Testing of Cambridge ESOL in general English (FCE) – 6500 RUB.
The international Qualifying Testing of Cambridge ESOL in general English (CAE) – 6800 RUB.
The international Qualifying Testing of Cambridge ESOL in general English (PET) – 6800 RUB.
The international Qualifying Testing of Cambridge ESOL in business English (BEC Preliminary) – 4000 RUB.
The international Qualifying Testing of Cambridge ESOL in business English (BEC Vantage) – 6500 RUB.
The international Qualifying Testing of Cambridge ESOL in business English (BEC Higher) – 6800 RUB.
The international Qualifying Testing of Cambridge ESOL in the examination in the sphere of jurisprudence (ILEC) – 7000 RUB.
The international Qualifying Testing of Cambridge ESOL for teachers of English language (TKT) on the main (1,2,3) and additional (CLIL, CAL) modules – 1500 RUB for one module.
At the first of November change of cost of examinations is expected.