Institute of Social and Philosophical Sciences and Mass Communications preserves and develops long-term university traditions of teaching philosophy, political science, sociology, conflict resolution, religious studies, journalism, and theory of mass communications. Our education helps graduates to fulfill themselves in different social, political and humanitarian activities, as well as in social and media communications. The Institute aspires to combine deep theoretical training with applied studies.

The scope of reseasch is very wide: philosophy, political science, sociology, religious studies and conflict resolution - all aimed at achieving social stability, conflictless social, political and interconfessional interaction; searching for optimal instruments of analysis of social phenomena, models of optimal risk distribution on different territories, studying reality through the lens of mass media.

The faculty strive to stimulate free creative thinking in students, help them acquire humanistic values. We value our ndividual approach to students and encourage them to contribute to the community via all types of activities.

Our graduates work in government structures, various analytical and media departments, political parties, trade unions, business companies, teach in schools and universities, work in religious organizations, sociological companies and non-profit entities.