Bachelor degree
  Teacher Education (with two profiles of training)
Russian as a foreign language and foreign (English) language

Within the framework of the program 44.03.05 Pedagogical education (with two training profiles), profile: "Russian as a foreign language and foreign (English) language" the following disciplines are studied: Methods of teaching the Russian language, Methods of teaching English, Technologies for preparing for the Unified State Exam, Syntax, psychology of personal efficiency, Adaptive information technologies, Research activities in education, Modern paradigms of philological research, Methods of research in philology, Practical grammar of the Russian language, Punctuation workshop, Russian dialectology, Dialects of the Russian language, Latin, classical languages, Old Slavonic language, Historical grammar, Interpretation of the text (English), The basics of philological analysis of the text, Linguistic studies, British language personality, The language of mass communication, Socio-political vocabulary.

Psychological, pedagogical and methodological training of future teachers is carried out within the framework of the following main modules: "Communications in professional interaction", "Psychology of education", "Pedagogy", "Fundamentals of counseling activities". The main educational program, in addition to basic and additional disciplines, includes various types of practices and research activities.