1. Prepare the documents:

2. Sign in at https://abiturient.kpfu.ru/

Applications for degree programs are accepted through the online system  “Study at KFU” (“Budu studentom”) from March 01 till August 20. Instruction on registration and filling in the online application form is available on the website.

3. Enter your personal account, go to the "Submit an application" section, print out the consent to processing of personal data, an application for admission to participate in the competition, sign them and attach them to the application form.

4. Pass entrance exams offline or online.

 4.1. Prospective students must take two exams for admission to the Bachelor Degree Program '09.03.04 Software Engineering':

Dates for the entrance examination and consultation on exam arrangements

 4.2. Prospective students must take two exams for admission to the Master Degree Program '09.04.04 Software Engineering':

Programm вступительных испытаний

Dates for the entrance examination and consultation on exam arrangements

5. Conclude an agreement and pay for training.

6. Attach a signed consent to enrollment in the chosen direction.

7. See the order for enrollmentin your account and on the website https://abiturient.kpfu.ru/

All the questions related to the admission of foreign students to the Institute of Information Technologies and Intelligent Systems can be asked:

Irina Maximova- Deputy Director for Development

Address: Kazan, 35 Kremlevskaya street, office1505A

Phone: +7 (843) 206-52-33 (ext.3512)

E-mail: i_maksimova@it.kfu.ru

For prospective ITIS students there is a chat Telegram

In the group VKontakte 

Follow all the latest news about admission below as well as in our group VKontakte 

Information admissions to KFU in 2023

Applications for admission are accepted here from March 01, 2023.

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