Digital Leadership as an Ecosystem of National Platforms and Intelligent Services


Head of the Master Program

 Dinara Gallyamova

Address: Room 1411, 35 Kremlevskaya str., Kazan, 420008

Phone : + 7 (843) 206-52-33 (ext. 3512)



Target audience

The target audience of the Master Program are graduates of bachelor or specialist degree of any profile, as well as IT technicians of real and financial sectors who are interested in mastering new competencies both in digital platform development and business functioning at all its stages.


The purpose of the program:

Training of highly qualified specialists with competencies in the field of software engineering, digital economy, and management.  Such interdisciplinary approach allows to master the skills of software engineering combined with economic thinking and to apply them in practice.


Why study in the magistracy:

Graduates will be in high demand in the modern labor market due to the programming and business skills synergy, and the leadership competencies will expand the scope of applications of the knowledge gained.


The curriculum includes the following blocks of disciplines:

1st block (covers the basics of Software Engineering):

English in IT

Introduction to Software Engineering

Software Engineering Tools

System Theory and System Analysis

Research Methodology

2nd block (major subjects of the program):

Digital Leadership: Cognitive and Behavioral Aspect

Normative Regulation of the Digital Economy

Business Development Workshop

Workshop on Digital Technologies

Economic Thinking in the Digital World

National and Corporate Digital Platforms

International Finance in the Digital Age

Digitalization of Business Processes

Information Security

Development and Service Management

Introduction to AI

3rd block (electives):

  1. AI Technologies
  2. Digital Platform Components
  3. International Business in the Digital World
  4. Design Thinking and Innovative Leadership