Head of the Master Program
Mikhail Abramskiy
Address: room 1505b, 35 Kremlevskaya str., Kazan, 420008
Phone: +7 (843) 206-52-33 (ext. 3501 assistant)
E-mail: mma@kpfu.ru
Starting from this year our applicants can choose a new Master Program - Artificial Intelligence in Digital Product Development, which in 2021 had the name of Liberal AI.
The philosophy of the educational program echoes that of Liberal Arts. Liberal Arts is a traditional academic program of Western Higher Education. It covers four areas: Natural Science, Social Science, Arts and Humanities. This system of education became widespread in universities and colleges in the United States in the second half of the twentieth century. The main principle of training in LA programs is interdisciplinarity, fullness and maximum freedom of choice for the student.
We want to demonstrate the full range of Artificial Intelligence tasks: Data Analysis, Machine Learning, Data Infrastructure, Business Intelligence, application packages and much more. It is broad education in the field of AI, and we get AI experts understanding technologies to be applied in development, with no myths or erroneous thinking about AI.
So, it is a university level education covering all modern areas in the field of AI, namely: