Master's degree
  Teacher Education
Design and evaluation of educational programs and processes
Areas of professional activity

Graduates of the OPOP can carry out professional activities in the field of education and science, in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education, vocational training, vocational education, higher education and additional education.

The list of the main objects (or areas of knowledge) of professional activity of graduates: training, education, development, design of educational programs.

Tasks of professional activity
Emerging competencies of graduates

Graduates of the direction who have mastered the program acquire the following competencies, i.e. the ability to apply knowledge, skills and personal qualities in accordance with the tasks of professional activity:

Universal competencies

General professional competencies

Professional competencies

Mandatory block of disciplines
Additional block of disciplines

The variable part of the educational program is aimed at expanding and deepening the competencies established by the educational standard, and includes the following disciplines:

Modules/disciplines of choice:

As optional subjects, you can choose:

Practice and research work

Practice is a type of training sessions that are directly focused on professional and practical training. Practitioners consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired as a result of mastering theoretical courses, develop practical skills and contribute to the comprehensive formation of universal, general professional and professional competencies.

The OPOP includes: educational practice, industrial practice, and research work.

Educational practice is aimed at the formation of primary skills and abilities of future professional activity: introductory practice; technological (design and technological) practice; research work. Educational practices are conducted on the basis of the departments of the Elabuga Institute of KFU.

Production practices allow you to gain professional experience and ensure that the graduate of the OPOP is ready for practical work. pedagogical practice.

Methods of conducting industrial practice: stationary or on-site.

The bases for passing production practices can be:

State final certification

The final state certification includes the completion and protection of the final qualifying work.

Upon completion of the development of the main professional educational program, a bachelor's degree is awarded.