Bachelor degree program
23.03.01 Transport Process Technology, profile: Design and management of intelligent transport systems
Code 23.03.01
Direction of training Transport Process Technology
Profile Design and management of intelligent transport systems
Level Bachelor degree
Language of instruction Russian
State accreditation Certificate
Graduating Chair
About program

The main professional educational program of higher education in the direction of training 23.03.01 Transport Process Technology, training profile Intelligent Transport Systems Design and Management is developed and implemented as a request to meet the need for specialists capable of solving the tasks defined by the Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030 and the prospects for the development of the transport complex as a whole in accordance with priority development areas (National project "Safe high-quality roads", National program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation", Comprehensive plan for the modernization and expansion of the main infrastructure).

Form of study Duration of study   Number of quotas in 2024 and tuition fees
on the basis of SGE, VE (SVE (+PVE), HE)
4 years 6 months  
for citizens of the Russian Federation:
  contract 10     57 900 rub./year*
for foreign citizens:
 contract    57 900 rub./year**

*  Order No. 01-03/872 dated May 31, 2023 On the cost of paid educational services for the 2023/24 academic year

** Order No. 01-03/938 dated 06/09/2023 On the cost of paid educational services for the 2023/24 academic year for foreign citizens

Additional Information