A.R. Fayziev a*, F.A. Fayziev b**, S.B. Yatimov a***, N.K. Usmonov c****

aInstitute of Geology, Seismological Construction and Seismology, National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, 734063 Republic of Tajikistan

bTajik National University, Dushanbe, 734025 Republic of Tajikistan

cTajikistan Mining Metallurgical Institute, Buston, 735730 Republic of Tajikistan

E-mail: *faiziev38@mail.ru, **foteh81@mail.ru, ***yatimov.s.b@mail.ru, ****noraliusmonov@mail.ru

Received March 16, 2020


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DOI: 10.26907/2542-064X.2022.1.166-180

For citation: Fayziev A.R., Fayziev F.A., Yatimov S.B., Usmonov N.K. Stages and physicochemical conditions of polymetallic deposits formation in the Southwestern Karamazar (Northern Tajikistan). Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Estestvennye Nauki, 2022, vol. 164, no. 1, pp. 166–180. doi: 10.26907/2542-064X.2022.1.166-180. (In Russian)


This article discusses the stages and physicochemical conditions of polymetallic deposits formation in the Southwestern Karamazar, Northern Tajikistan. The Takeli, Kuruksay, and Kansay ore fields are considered here as an example. The data obtained show that these ore fields are all characterized by the following four stages of hydrothermal ore formation: 1) sulfide, 2) carbonate, 3) quartz-sulfide, and 4) carbonate-barite-fluorite. In the first stage, the mineral formation occurred at the temperature of 450–300 ?C from mainly calcium bicarbonate and calcium sulfate-sodium solutions. The second calcite stage of mineralization occurred at the temperature of 360–160 ?C with a paleotemperature gradient of 14 ?C/100 m. The composition of ore-forming fluids was sulfate-chloride-calcium-sodium-magnesium. The products of the third stage formed in the wide temperature range of 350–90 ?C from predominantly sulfate and hydrocarbonate solutions with a low content of chlorine anions. The main cations were sodium, calcium, and magnesium. The paleotemperature gradient was 10–12 ?C/100 m. The fourth stage proceeded at the temperature of 180–115 ?C from solutions of mainly bicarbonate-calcium composition and low content of chlorine, sulfate ion, sodium, and potassium.

Keywords: stage, physicochemical conditions, hydrothermal mineral formation, skarn, polymetallic deposits, temperature, solution, triple aqueous extract

Figure Captions

Fig. 1. Stages of mineralization in the Southwestern Karamazar deposits.

Fig. 2. Forms of inclusions of first-generation quartz.

Fig. 3. Forms of calcite I inclusions.

Fig. 4. Forms of quartz II inclusions.

Fig. 5. Forms of calcite II inclusions.

Fig. 6. Gas and liquid inclusions in barite.


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