Bachelor degree
Economics and Finance of Organizations (using distance technologies)

Diploma qualification: Bachelor's degree in the direction of "38.03.01 Economics"

The purpose of the program

The bachelor's degree program in the field of preparation 38.03.01 Economics, profile: "Economics and finance of organizations (implemented using distance technologies)" has as its goal (mission) the development of students' personal qualities, as well as the formation of universal, general professional and professional competencies in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Areas of professional activity

Graduates who have mastered the program can carry out professional activities in organizations of various organizational and legal forms, in structures in which graduates are entrepreneurs who create and develop their own business.

Who will you be able to work with

Places of employment

Graduates in this field are in demand by organizations engaged in any kind of activity.

Graduates are employed in organizations of both the Republic of Tatarstan and other regions of the Russian Federation.