Bachelor degree
  Teacher Education (with two profiles of training)
History and Social Studies
Areas of professional activity

Education and science in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, vocational education, and additional education.

Tasks of professional activity

The graduate of the program is expected tо be able to solve the following professional tasks:

Competencies formed

Universal competences

A graduate is expected to be able to:

General professional competencies

A graduate is expected to be able to:

Compulsory block of disciplines
Additional block of disciplines
Practice and research work

Types of educational practice: introductory practice, technological (design-technological) practice and research work.

Methods of carrying out educational practice: stationary; field practice.

Types of industrial practice: pedagogical practice, technological (design-technological) practice and research work. Methods of carrying out industrial practice: stationary; on-site.

Practical training is a required section of the basic educational program. It is a type of training directly aimed at professional and practical training of students. Educational practices are organized by the Institute at its own bases, departments, specialized offices, as well as at the contracted sites.

Places of training and industrial practices are: general education organizations, organizations of additional education, etc.

The fundamental position of the program is to maintain the opportunity for students to choose a place of practice in the region of permanent residence and agreement with the graduating department.

State Final Certification

On completion of the program the students are awarded the Bachelor Degree