Master's degree
  Teacher Education
Polylingual education
Areas of professional activity

Areas of professional activity in which graduates who have mastered the program can carry out professional activities:

Tasks of professional activity

Graduates are prepared to solve the following types of professional tasks:

Competencies formed

Graduates of the direction who have mastered the program acquire the following competencies, i.е. ability to apply knowledge, skills and personal qualities in accordance with the tasks of professional activity:

Universal competencies

The graduate of the direction is able to:

General professional competencies

The graduate of the direction is able to:

Professional competencies

Direction graduate

Compulsory block of disciplines

Mandatory part.

Basic general institute module

Design and implementation of the educational process in an educational organization

The content of the subject area and technologies for teaching the subject

Additional block of disciplines

The part formed by the participants in educational relations.

Subject module

Elective modules/disciplines:

Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Module 5
Practice and research work

Practice is a type of training session that is directly focused on professional and practical training. Practice consolidates the knowledge and skills acquired as a result of mastering theoretical courses, develop practical skills and contribute to the integrated formation of general cultural, professional and special competencies.

Educational, industrial practice and performance of research work are provided.

Introductory practice is aimed at mastering a set of universal, general professional and professional competencies in accordance with the requirements for a given educational level, takes place at the Chair of English Philology and Intercultural Communication (Department of Foreign Languages ​​EI KFU).

Pedagogical practice takes place in educational institutions and is aimed at mastering professional pedagogical skills, skills of independent teaching and educational work.

The purpose of research work (RW) is to develop the ability and practical skills of independent implementation of scientific research related to solving complex scientific and design problems in the direction of training in innovative conditions.

The following institutions are the bases for students' internships:

State Final Certification

The final state certification includes the defense of the master's final qualifying work.

Upon completion of mastering the main professional educational program, the qualification "Master" is awarded.