Bachelor degree
  Teacher Education (with two profiles of training)
Biology and chemistry
Areas of professional activity

The program is focused on training specialists for the field of "Education and science (in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education, vocational training, vocational education, additional education)", which are in demand on the regional labor market.

Graduates who have mastered the program can carry out professional activities in the following areas: training, education, development, implementation of programs of basic, secondary general education, additional education.

Tasks of professional activity

Graduates are preparing to solve the following types of professional tasks:

Competencies formed

Graduates of the direction who have mastered the program acquire the following competencies, i.e. the ability to apply knowledge, skills and personal qualities in accordance with the tasks of professional activity:

Universal competencies

A graduate of the direction is capable of:

General professional competencies

A graduate of the direction is capable of:

Professional competencies

A graduate of the direction is capable of:

Compulsory block of disciplines

The mandatory block includes the following disciplines of professional orientation:

Philosophy, history of Russia, general history, foreign language, life safety, physical culture are included in the mandatory part of the bachelor's degree program.

Additional block of disciplines

The variable part of the educational program is aimed at expanding and deepening the competencies established by the educational standard, taking into account the training profiles. It includes the following disciplines:

Modules/disciplines by choice

Practice and research work

Practice is a type of training sessions that are directly focused on professional and practical training. Practitioners consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired as a result of mastering theoretical courses, develop practical skills and contribute to the complex formation of general cultural, professional and special competencies

Educational, industrial practices and the performance of research work are provided.

The educational practice is aimed at the formation of primary skills and skills of future professional activity. Academic subject practices are partly conducted permanently on the basis of the departments of the Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the Elabuga Institute of KFU, partly independently, in the form of performing specific tasks of a practical nature.

Industrial practices allow you to get the primary experience of professional activity and ensure that the graduate is ready for practical work. Methods of conducting industrial practice: stationary or on-site.

The educational practices in the implementation of the educational program in this area of training include:

Production practices include:

The requirements for the organization of practice are regulated by local regulations of the educational organization. For the disabled and persons with disabilities, the choice of places for internships is consistent with the requirement of their accessibility for these students.

The bases of students ' internships are the following institutions:

In addition, there is the possibility of internship by choice, at the place of residence

State Final Certification

The final state certification includes the protection of the bachelor's final qualification work, taking into account the profile of training.

Upon completion of the development of the main professional educational program, the qualification "bachelor" is awarded.