Bachelor degree
  Applied Computer Science
Applied Computer Science in Economics

Diploma qualification: bachelor in the program «09.03.03 Applied Computer Science»

Aim of the program

The undergraduate program in the field of 09.03.03 Applied Computer Science, profile: «Applied Computer Science in Economics» has its goal (mission) to develop students' personal qualities, as well as the formation of universal, general professional and professional competencies in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education.

Areas of professional activity

Graduates who have mastered the program can carry out professional activities in the field of "Communication, information and communication technologies", which is in demand in the regional labor market. Graduates can also carry out professional activities in other areas of professional activity and/or areas of professional activity, provided that their level of education and acquired competencies meets the requirements for the qualification of an employee.

Possible professions

Information systems specialist, system analyst, programmer, system administrator.

Where can you work

Software development companies, IT departments of various enterprises, automation and control departments of manufacturing enterprises, research organizations.

Places of employment

Graduates who have mastered the undergraduate program in the field of Applied Informatics can work in software development companies; in IT departments of various enterprises; in departments of automation and management of industrial enterprises, etc.