Bachelor degree program
44.03.01 Teacher Education, profile: Primary Education
Code 44.03.01
Direction of training Teacher Education
Profile Primary Education
Level Bachelor degree
Language of instruction Russian
State accreditation Certificate
Graduating Chair
About program


Form of study Duration of study   Number of quotas in 2024 and tuition fees
on the basis of SGE, VE (SVE (+PVE), HE)
4 years 6 months  
for citizens of the Russian Federation:
  budget 25     
  contract    35 100 rub./year*
for foreign citizens:
 contract    51 720 rub./year**

*  Order No. 01-03/872 dated May 31, 2023 On the cost of paid educational services for the 2023/24 academic year

** Order No. 01-03/938 dated 06/09/2023 On the cost of paid educational services for the 2023/24 academic year for foreign citizens

Additional Information