Master's degree
  Teacher Education
Russian language and literature in intercultural communication

Diploma qualification: master in «44.04.01 Teacher Education»

Aim of the program

The purpose of the master degree program 44.04.01 Teacher Education, profile: «Russian language and literature in intercultural communication» is to develop students' personal and professional qualities, the formation of general cultural (universal) and professional competencies in accordance with the requirements of the FSES in this direction, providing quality preparation of qualified, competitive specialists in education, ready for teaching activities in educational organizations.

Areas of professional activity

Graduates who have mastered the program can carry out professional activity in the sphere of primary general, basic general, professional training, vocational education, additional education.

What kind of work will you be able to do?

Teachers of Russian language and literature, proofreaders and editors.

Where can you work?

Secondary general education institutions, higher education institutions, colleges, departments of education, printing companies.