Bachelor degree
  Teacher Education
Primary education

Diploma qualification: Bachelor «44.03.01 Teacher Education»

Aim of the program

The bachelor's degree program in the field of training «44.03.01 Teacher Education» aims to develop students' personal and professional qualities, the formation of general cultural (universal) and professional competencies in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard in this field, providing high-quality training of qualified competitive specialists in the field of education, ready for pedagogical and educational activities of educational organizations carrying out primary education.

Areas of professional activity

Graduates of the direction 44.03.01 Teacher Education, profile: «Primary education» can carry out professional activities in the field of education and science. The main objects and areas of knowledge of professional activity of graduates: training, education, development, implementation of programs of basic, secondary general education, additional education.

Tasks of professional activity:

What can you work as?

Places of employment

Graduates of the direction 44.03.01 Teacher Education, profile: «Primary education» are in demand in the system of general secondary education.

Graduates are employed in secondary schools and organizations of additional education both in the Republic of Tatarstan and other regions of Russian Federation.