Information about the rules of stay in the Russian Federation for foreign citizens arriving from visa-free countries

All foreign citizens must comply with the laws of the Russian Federation and the rules of residence and movement of foreign citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Migration registration in KFU dormitories

For initial migration registration, foreign citizens living in the dormitories of the Elabuga Institute of KFU are required to submit the following documents to the passport officer (dormitory №2, Kazanskaya St., 102) upon arrival for study within 24 hours (excluding holidays and weekends):

- passport

- migration card

- a copy of the enrollment order (for those enrolled in the 1st year)

- certificate of study from the dean's office (for continuing education)

- a warrant for settling into a dormitory (dorm room order)

- medical insurance policy


Migration registration in a residential building that does not belong to KFU

In the case of living in a residential building that does not belong to the Elabuga Institute of the KFU (rental of residential premises, living in an apartment of relatives, etc.), the owner of this residential premises is engaged in migration registration in the Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Elabuga district. To do this, within 3 days from the moment a foreign citizen crosses the border of the Russian Federation, the owner of this residential premises must apply to the appropriate authority with the relevant documents (including those specified above). After migration registration at the place of actual residence, a foreign citizen must submit to the passport officer and the Department of Organizing the Admission of Applicants and Work with Foreign Students documents confirming this fact (passport, tear-off receipt of arrival notification).

Migration registration is carried out only at the address of actual residence for the period of study, but not for more than 1 year.

Change of place of residence

In case of a change of place of residence, a foreign citizen is obliged to inform the passport officer, as well as the Department of Organizing the Admission of Applicants and Work with Foreign Students, and register for migration at the new address within two days.

Removal from migration registration

Removal from migration registration takes place at the moment of crossing the border of the Russian Federation or at the time of registration at a new address during a trip through the territory of the Russian Federation, therefore, the procedure for migration registration is repeated every time after returning to study from vacation or after returning from a trip through the territory of the Russian Federation, during which a foreign citizen was put on migration registration.

Change of migration status

Upon receiving a temporary residence permit, residence permit or citizenship of the Russian Federation, a foreign citizen is obliged to notify the passport officer within 24 hours and submit the relevant documents.

The University does not deal with the issues of changing the migration status.

Extension of the migration registration period

Two weeks before the expiration of the migration registration period related to studies, a foreign citizen is obliged to take actions to extend it or leave the territory of the Russian Federation.

In the case of the expiration of the national passport, a foreign citizen must promptly renew it or replace it with a new one, informing the Department for Organizing the Admission of Applicants and Work with Foreign Students.

After graduation and expulsion from the university, a foreign citizen is obliged to leave the territory of Russia in accordance with the deadlines established by law, having purchased travel tickets in advance. Extension of the terms of stay of university graduates for reasons unrelated to training or other reasons not provided for by law is not allowed.

The University is not responsible for migration registration of relatives and acquaintances of foreign citizens who have come to visit them.

Medical care for foreign citizens

Medical care for foreign citizens is carried out on the basis of a voluntary medical insurance policy purchased at the expense of the foreign citizen's personal funds.The University has no obligations for medical and other insurance of foreign students.

Responsibility of foreign citizens

Foreign citizens who have committed crimes, administrative or other offenses on the territory of the Russian Federation are subject to liability on the same basis as citizens of the Russian Federation.

For violation of the procedure for the stay of foreign citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation, the following measures of influence may be applied to them: a fine, administrative expulsion, deportation in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Information on the rules of stay in the Russian Federation for foreign citizens who are on the territory of the Russian Federation on a study visa

Initial migration registration

For migration registration, foreign citizens who have arrived for study (internship, courses, etc.) must submit within 24 hours (except holidays and weekends) to the Department of Organizing the Admission of Applicants and Work with Foreign Students (89 Kazanskaya str., office 16), as well as the passport officer (Dormitory №2, Kazanskaya str., 102) the following documents:

The period of migration registration is determined by the validity period of the visa.

Visa extension

At least 60 days before the expiration of the period of stay established during the initial migration registration in accordance with the validity of the entry visa, foreign citizens submit the following documents to the Department for Organizing the Admission of Applicants and Work with Foreign Students of the Elabuga Institute of KFU:

A multiple-entry visa is issued for the entire period of study, but not more than 1 year.

After issuing a multiple-entry visa, migration registration is carried out for the duration of the visa.


1. Every foreign citizen who has arrived to study at Kazan Federal University (hereinafter referred to as KFU), or who is continuing his studies at KFU, must have a voluntary medical insurance policy (hereinafter referred to as VMI) issued in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. A foreign citizen is obliged to purchase a policy at the expense of personal funds with an insurance amount of at least 400,000 rubles, valid for 2021-2022 academic year. The policy must necessarily include a repatriation service. After the termination of the policy, a foreign citizen is obliged to register a new VMI policy within three days.

2. The acquired VMI policy must guarantee a foreign student the opportunity to fully undergo all mandatory medical examinations that are necessary for admission to classes and living in dormitories.

If these conditions are not met, a foreign citizen is independently responsible for his/her health and the health of people around in case of unqualified medical care or issuing of certificates without carrying out all necessary medical examinations and laboratory diagnostic studies.

If your medical insurance expired during your studies at KFU, you need to purchase a new insurance within 3 days.The insurance period is one year. You can purchase medical insurance from any medical insurance company operating in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Change of place of residence

In case of a change of place of residence, a foreign citizen is obliged to inform the passport officer, as well as the Department of Organizing the Admission of Applicants and Work with Foreign Students, and register for migration at the new address within two days.

Change of migration status

Upon receiving a temporary residence permit, residence permit or citizenship of the Russian Federation, a foreign citizen is obliged to notify the passport officer within 24 hours and submit the relevant documents.

The University does not deal with the issues of changing the migration status.

Validity period of the national passport

In the case of the expiration of the national passport, a foreign citizen must leave the territory of the Russian Federation or promptly renew it or replace it with a new one, informing the passport officer, as well as the Department for Organizing the Admission of Applicants and Work with Foreign Students. After extending the validity of a passport or obtaining a new one to replace the old one, a foreign citizen must submit it to the passport officer, as well as to the Department for Organizing the Admission of Applicants and Work with Foreign Students to make changes to the visa, migration card and other documents.

It is not possible to issue or extend a multiple-entry visa, as well as to register for migration without presenting an original valid passport.

Loss of documents

n case of loss of documents (national passport, visa, migration card), a foreign citizen is obliged to immediately contact the nearest police station at the place of loss or detection of missing documents to obtain a certificate of the incident and notify the Department of Organizing the Admission of Applicants and Work with Foreign Students.

Removal from migration registration

Removal from migration registration takes place at the moment of crossing the border of the Russian Federation or at the time of registration during a trip through the territory of the Russian Federation, therefore, the procedure of registration for migration registration is repeated every time after returning from vacation or after returning from a trip through the territory of the Russian Federation, during which a foreign citizen was put on migration registration in a hotel, in a medical institution, etc.


After graduation and expulsion from the university, a foreign citizen is obliged to leave the territory of Russia in accordance with the deadlines established by law, having purchased travel tickets in advance. Extension of the terms of stay of university graduates for reasons unrelated to training or other reasons not provided for by law is not allowed.

The University is not responsible for the migration registration of relatives and acquaintances of foreign citizens.

Medical care for foreign citizens

Medical care for foreign citizens is carried out on the basis of a voluntary medical insurance policy purchased at the expense of the foreign citizen's personal funds.

Responsibility of foreign citizens

Foreign citizens who have committed crimes, administrative or other offenses on the territory of the Russian Federation are subject to liability on the same basis as citizens of the Russian Federation.

For violation of the procedure for the stay of foreign citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation, the following measures of influence may be applied to them: a fine, administrative expulsion, deportation in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.