Zaripova R., Salekhova L., Grigoriev S., Grigorieva K. AN ICT-MEDIATED CONSTRUCTIVIST APPROACH IN INCREASING ACADEMIC MOTIVATION VIA CLIL / R. Zaripova, L. Salekhova, S. Grigoriev, K. Grigorieva // Journal of Fundamental and Applied Science. - 2018. - Vol.10.- №4S. - PP.1112-1221. URL: F_5042_10199_1_PB.pdf

Batrova N., Lukoyanova M., Salekhova L., Güler Çavuşoğlu. Booktrailer como medio de formar la competencia discursiva de los estudiantes// Revista Científica Electrónica de Ciencias Humanas / Scientific e-journal of Human Sciences / By Fundación Unamuno /2018 -www.revistaorbis.org.ve / núm Especial Internacional (año 14), pp. 223-231 URL: F_Statya_v_ORBIS.pdf

Batrova N., Salekhova L., Grigorieva K. MA Students' Perceptions of Professor's Ability To Use Clil Strategies//Modern journal of language teaching methods. - 2018. - Vol.8, Is.11. - pp.163-168. URL: mjltm_v8n11p1_en.pdf

Batrova, N.I., Grigorieva, K.S. Content and Language Integration: Focus on Speaking / N.I. Batrova, K.S. Grigorieva // Пятая международная конференция «Английский для специальных и академических целей и англоязычная среда обучения в контексте интернационализации высшего образования«: Сборник тезисов докладов. Москва, 7-8 ноября 2018 г. – М.: Изд-во «НИТУ МИСИС«, 2019. – с.31-33. URL: F_Book_of_abstracts_MISIS_2018_2019.pdf

Grigorieva, K., Batrova, N., Vedenkin, D., Yakhina, R. Teaching ICT through a foreign language: motivation issues / K.Grigorieva, N. Batrova, D.Vedenkin, R. Yakhina // Proceedings of ICERI2018 Conference 12th-14th November 2018, Seville, Spain. - pp.10383-10388. URL: F_958.pdf

Salekhova L. Motivation and ICT in English teaching / V. Gabdreeva, R. Yakhina, L. Salekhova, K. Grigorieva Proceedings of 12th International Technology, Education and Development Conference: 5-7 March, 2018: Valencia, Spain, pp. 4458-4462.- 2018.

Salekhova L.L. Socio-constructivist approach as the basis for content and language integration in teaching future engineers/L. Salekhova, K. Grigorieva, V. Gabdreeva, R. Yakhina Proceedings of 12th International Technology, Education and Development Conference: 5-7 March, 2018: Valencia, Spain, pp. 4448-4451.- 2018 . URL: F_866.pdf

Salekhova L. Designing a dual focused CLIL-module: the focus on content and foreign language /A. Danilov, L. Salekhova, T. Yakaeva Proceedings of 12th International Technology, Education and Development Conference: 5-7 March, 2018: Valencia, Spain, pp. 1972-1978.- 2018.

Salekhova L.L. Developing computer literacy of bilingual students through CLIL/ A. Danilov, L. Salekhova, T. Yakaeva Proceedinga of the 12th International Technology, Education and Development Conference: 5-7 March, 2018: Valencia, Spain, pp.1967-1971. - 2018

Salekhova L.L., Nekrasova I.A. Language mediation: the place of English in teaching Russian as a foreign language//Proceedings of EDULEARN 18 conference, 2-4 of July, 2018, Palma, Mallorca, Spain, - pp. 3013-3017. URL: F_793.pdf

Leila Salekhova, Tatyana Yakaeva, Ramiz Aslanov Effects of English Medium Instruction on Developing Executive Functions of Students//Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods. - 2018. - Volume 8 (issue 11) - PP. 144-149. URL: F_Salekhovamjltm_v8n11p1_en_144_149.pdf



Batrova, Nailya I., Salekhova, Lyajlya L., Cavusoglu, Guler. Designing Of Content Of The Bilingual Elective Course «Information And Communication Technologies (ICT)»// Modern journal of language teaching methods.- Vol. 7 (9). – 2017, pp. 303-309

Content And Language Integrated Learning: Language Scaffolding And Speech Strategies // Yakaeva T., Salekhova L., Kuperman K., Grigorieva K. //Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods. - Vol. 7, Issue. 9, 2017.- pp. 137–143.

Leila Salekhova, Tatyana Yakaeva Implementation of a CLIL-module “Economics” for English Language Learners in Russia: Results and Challenges //THE JOURNAL OF ASIA TEFL Vol. 14, No. 4, Winter 2017, 816-823 URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.18823/asiatefl.2017. 

L.Salekhova, K.Grigorieva RUSSIA COUNTRY REPORT: MULTICULTURAL EXPERIENCE IN EDUCATION //11th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, Spain, 6-8 March, 2017, pp.0435-0441. (WoS) URL: 236.pdf

Grigorieva Ksenia, Salekhova Leila, Social networks in teaching English for specific purposes//INTED2017: 11th international technology, education and development conference. - 2017. - Vol., Is.. - pp.500-502. 
URL: F_255.pdf

L.L. Salekhova, R.R. Zaripova, K.S.Grigorieva "Step-By-Step Organization Of A University CLIL Course At Kazan Federal University"//3rd International Instructional Technologies & Teacher Education Symposium, Turkey, 9-11 September 2015, pp.163-168 



Salekhova L. The Results of CLIL Implementation in Bilingual Teaching of University Students /Danilov A., Grigorieva K., Salekhova L. //Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods. - Vol.6, Issue 9, Special Issue, 2016. - pp. 54-58. (WoS) URL:  

Salekhova L., Danilov A. Cognitive costs of bilingual education: theoretical and empirical research // EDULEARN16 Proceedings. - 2016. - pp. 366-370. URL: 366.pdf

Salekhova, L. L. Teaching mathematics bilingually: a teaching dilemma in Tatar schools in Russia / L. Salekhova, R. Zaripova, A. Danilov // Proceedings of EDULEARN16 Conference. - Barcelona, Spain, 2016. - pp. 8568-8575. URL: 87.pdf

Zaripova R.R. Interactive WEB 2.0. Toolss in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) / R.R. Zaripova, L.L. Salekhova, A.V. Danilov // Journal of Language and Literature. - 2016. - Vol. 7. - № 3. - pp 65-69. 
URL: Zaripova__Salehova__Danilov_INTERACTIVE_WEB2.0._TOOL_SINCONTENT_AND.pdf


2011- 2015

N.I. Batrova and L. L.Salyekhova. Bilingual Teaching High School Students of Information Communication Technologies by Means of the Russian and English Languages at Schools of Tatarstan // The Social Sciences 10 (5).- pp. 604-609, 2015(Scopus) URL: 604_609.pdf

Zaripova R. Integrated subject-linguistic approach as the basis of subject teaching modelling using a foreign language at high school / R. Zaripova // Journal of Language and Literature. - 2015. – Volume 6. - Issue 3. – pp. 175-180 URL: JLL2015_3_40__INTEGRATED_SUBJECT_LINGUISTIC__1_.pdf

Andrey Vladimirovich Danilov and Lyaylya Leonardovna Salekhova, 2015. Design of Virtual Keyboard for Tatar-Speaking Users on the Basis of the Mobile Operating System Android. International Journal of Soft Computing, 10, pp.348-352.(Scopus) 

Salekhova,L., Tuktamyshov, N. "Formation of Higher Mathematical Education in the Tatar Language in a Bilingual Environment"// TeSSHI 2012 Chapters on Humanities and Social Sciences, vol.1, pp.495-501

Salekhova L.L., Tuktamyshov N.K., Zaripova R.R., Salakhov R.F. Definition of development level of communicative features of mathematical speech of bilingual students. Life Science Journal 2014;11(8):524-526 URL:

Salekhova L.L Linguistic benefits of CLIL approach in higher education /2014 International Conference on Applied Linguistics and Teaching Languages (ALLT).- pp.138-140

Bilingual Mathematics Teaching in Conditions of Higher Educational Establishment// Proceedings - ICMI Study 21 conference: Mathematics education and Language Diversity,2011, Brazil pp. 342-347