Today, the world is increasingly talking about the problem of extremism. And there is every reason for this. None of us are immune to its manifestations. Young people are the most vulnerable to extremist manifestations.

Extremism becomes, as a rule, the last step to the emergence of terrorism. Countering extremist activity is carried out in two directions - prevention and direct detection, prevention and suppression of extremist activity.

Extremism and its kind of terrorism continue to pose a real danger both for the international community as a whole and for our State in particular.

The prevention of extremism and terrorism is not only the task of the state, but also to a large extent, it is the task of the youth itself. This work depends on the clear position of political parties, public and religious associations, students. In our country, the prevention of extremist manifestations should be considered as an instrument for establishing civil peace and uniting the efforts of Russian citizens in restoring and strengthening our economic and political potential.

Terror as a way to achieve goals in political struggle through physical violence and moral and psychological intimidation has been known since the birth of human civilization. However, today terrorism has become one of the most dangerous global problems of our time, a serious threat to the security of the entire world community. Unfortunately, Russia was among the countries facing its most aggressive manifestations.

Extremism (from French extremisme, from Latin extremus - extreme) is "an extremely dangerous phenomenon in the life of any society. It poses a threat to the foundations of the constitutional system, leads to a violation of constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen, undermines public security and the state integrity of the Russian Federation."

One form of extremism is the spread of fascist and neo-Nazi symbols. Extremism tends to have a certain ideology at its core. Signs of extremism contain only ideologies that are based on the affirmation of the exclusivity, superiority or inferiority of a person on the basis of social, racial, national, religious or linguistic affiliation or attitude to religion, as well as ideas of political, ideological, racial, national or religious hatred or enmity against a social group.

Extremist actions are related to the desire to destroy, defame the existing social and state institutions, rights, traditions, values. At the same time, such actions may be violent, contain direct or indirect calls for violence.

Phone numbers of operational services
Police – 02, 112

Federal Security Service – 8 (85557)3-22-25
Hotline of the EMERCOM of Russia 8-800-100-11-20
Hotline of the EMERCOM of Tatarstan 8 (843) 292-64-09