V.V. Kruglov

Moscow State University, Moscow, 125009 Russia

Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Moscow, 119454 Russia

E-mail: cpp.chindep@yandex.ru

Received November 27, 2020



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DOI: 10.26907/2541-7738.2021.1.154-161

For citation: Kruglov V.V. The oppositional pair of heaven earth in the Xici Zhuan and its linguistic parameters. Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Gumanitarnye Nauki, 2021, vol. 163, no. 1, pp. 154–161. doi: 10.26907/2541-7738.2021.1.154-161. (In Russian)


The oppositional pair of heaven – earth (天 ‘tian’ – 地 ‘di’) derived on the basis of the conceptual apparatus of the Xici Zhuan (‘Appended Commentaries’) and in line with the I Ching tradition was studied. A methodology for linguoculturological analysis of the term with account of the linguistic parameters of the oppositional pair (attribution to predicates/names, grammaticalogical commentary, and interpretation within the traditional Chinese philosophy) was introduced. The analysis was performed with the help of a wide range of the ancient Chinese texts. All occurrences of the oppositional pair of heaven – earth in the Xici Zhuan text were analyzed. As a result of the research, the place of the oppositional pair of heaven – earth in the Xici Zhuan and its linguistic parameters were revealed.

Keywords: Chinese language, philosophical discourse, oppositional pair, heaven, earth, linguoculturological analysis


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