K.M. Arslanov*, D.R. Miftakhutdinova**, A.S. Pugacheva***

Kazan Federal University, Kazan, 420008 Russia

E-mail: *arslanov-ksu@mail.ru, **dianamiftakhutdinova@gmail.com, ***anna.pugacheva1997@yandex.ru

Received April 15, 2020

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DOI: 10.26907/2541-7738.2020.4.110-119

For citation: Arslanov K.M., Miftakhutdinova D.R., Pugacheva A.S. Civil law school development at Kazan University in 1928–1932: A.M. Vinaver and S.N. Bratus. Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Gumanitarnye Nauki, 2020, vol. 162, no. 4, pp. 110–119. doi: 10.26907/2541-7738.2020.4.110-119. (In Russian)


In the 1920s–1940s, the Tatar ASSR lived through the years of socio-economic prosperity, but it also had to deal with numerous challenges that were faced, in particular, by researchers of Kazan University. Among them, an important role was played by Aleksandr Markovich Vinaver and Sergei Nikitich Bratus, two Kazan civil law scholars. In this paper, their research and teaching activities were discussed. They contributed considerably to the advance of Russian civil law by enhancing the formation and development of the Kazan civil law school, as well as by training lawyers. The obtained results demonstrate that true researchers fulfill their duties despite the difficulties of life.

Keywords: civil law, history of science, history of university, civil law, jurisprudence


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