The purpose of the educational program

Comprehensive and high-quality training of qualified competitive specialists in medicinal chemistry - developers of synthetic and biotechnological medicines, confidently mastering a wide arsenal of modern chemical, biological, medical, computer and technological knowledge and skills.

Why is it worth choosing this specialty?

Through the development of modern technology thinking, ingenuity and demonstration of various non-standard methods in solving the assigned tasks, you will gain the skills that will allow you to build the career you deserve.

Brief description of the educational process

During the two-year educational cycle, undergraduates will master a wide range of general and special disciplines. Mandatory core courses include medicinal chemistry, drug technology, biological screening techniques, pharmaceutical drug development, molecular and cell biology, and others. Optional disciplines include introduction to pharmacology, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics, physicochemical methods for the study of organic compounds, animal and human physiology for drug developers, and others. At scientific seminars, undergraduates will master the skills of writing scientific publications. Successful completion of the course will allow undergraduates to become qualified specialists in the development of innovative drugs both in Russia and abroad. Specialists of this profile are extremely in demand in the domestic and global innovative pharmaceutical industry.

Skills that students will acquire after completing an educational program

Successful development of these

disciplines for future medical chemists to become qualified specialists in the development of

innovative drugs, ready to actively participate in modern research projects as in

Russia and abroad.

 Future medical chemists pay great attention to complex disciplines to solve the problems of developing new active substances - potential drugs. The range of issues that the graduates of the faculty are engaged in is so great, and the research methods are so diverse that everyone has the opportunity to find a field of application of their knowledge and abilities in accordance with their interests.

Professional Areas Where Graduates Have Advantages

The main employers of graduates who have mastered this specialty are Russian and international companies for the production and development of drugs and substances («Татхимфармпрепараты», «Биокад» и т.д., research centers «НОЦ Фармацевтики», educational institutions KFU и др.

"Areas of professional activity,

where our graduates have competitive advantages:

Scientific research, development of medicinal substances, optimization of methods for obtaining substances, teaching.


Future profession:


- Medicines developer;

-Expert in the field of drug creation

- Research chemist

Profiles / specializations within the specialty (additionally, depending on the program)

Specialty 04.01.01. Chemistry

Profile Medical chemistry