The purpose of the educational program

Comprehensive and high-quality training of qualified competitive specialists with deep knowledge of modern physicochemical and physical methods of analysis of the substances and skilled in the use of modern equipment employed in different fields of Chemistry, Biology, Medicine, Petrochemistry, and Geology.

Why is it worth choosing this specialty?

Graduates of this master program will be in demand in research laboratories of universities and institutes in Russia and abroad, research centers and laboratories of state and private scientific centers performing the investigations in the various fields of Chemistry, Biology, Medicine, Petrochemistry, and Geology.

The students who successfully completed this program may continue their postgraduate studies.

Brief description of the educational process

Students study basic and special courses, including:

- Fundamentals of Physical Chemistry

- Thermal analysis of substances and materials: thermogravimetry, differential scanning calorimetry, combined methods

- Scanning force microscopy and X-ray powder diffractograction of substances and materials

- Gas chromatography

- Electrical, electro- and magnetooptic methods of analysis

- Methods of magnet resonance, vibrational spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction

- Kinetics and thermodynamics of chemical processes under various conditions

- Preparation technologies of substances dispersions and composite materials

- Theory and practice of fast scanning calorimetry

Practical classes are conducted on modern equipment of the Department of Physical Chemistry. Research work is carried out under the guidance of leading teachers and researchers of the Kazan Federal University and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Skills that students will acquire after completing an educational program

Graduate who has mastered the program:

- gains in-depth knowledge of the theory of physical research methods;

- masters work on modern, often unique, equipment produced by the best Russian and foreign companies;

- is engaged in research work during the entire period of study, participates in research projects;

- gains experience in planning theoretical and experimental research, drawing up reports on scientific activities, scientific publications and reports at scientific conferences, writing the final master's work;

- develops modern approaches to solving urgent problems demanded by employers in various fields of chemistry, biology, medicine, petrochemistry, geology.

Professional areas where graduates have advantages

Graduates of this master's program will be in demand in research laboratories of universities and institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, laboratories of state and non-state scientific centers in Russia and abroad, conducting research in various fields of chemistry, biology, medicine, petrochemistry, geology.

Graduates of the program can continue their studies in post-graduate school.

Profiles / specializations within the specialty (additionally, depending on the program)

Specialization – Physicochemical methods of analysis in Chemistry