Purpose of the educational program:


Comprehensive high-quality training of qualified competitive specialists in chemistry training, combining competencies in the field of modern chemistry and in the field of innovative pedagogical technologies.


Why choose this specialty?


Thanks to the formed creative thinking, professional and soft skills, You can build a successful career in your chosen field

Brief description of the educational process


According to the distributed model of teacher training, specialized chemical training is carried out at the Butlerov Chemical Institute using modern equipment and innovative technologies, and pedagogical disciplines are supervised by the Institute of psychology and education. This combination allows you to gain fundamental knowledge, skills and abilities in the main sections of chemistry and Supplement them with modern educational technologies, including IT-technologies.

Skills that students will receive after completing the educational program:


A graduate who has completed the bachelor's degree program receives fundamental training in the main branches of chemistry (chemistry of elements and their compounds, analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, physical and colloidal chemistry, chemistry of high-molecular compounds, chemistry of biological systems, applied chemistry). In addition, competencies are formed in the field of modern psychological and pedagogical technologies, thanks to the study of such disciplines as "Techniques of conflict-free interaction in education", "Technologies of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics and pedagogical measurements", "Adaptive pedagogy", "General psychology", "Age psychology", "Pedagogical psychology", "Correctional psychology and pedagogy" and others.

Areas of professional activity where graduates have advantages:


Undergraduate graduates will be able to build a successful professional development career: a) chemical competencies in the master's programs of the Butlerov Chemical Institute; b) chemical and pedagogical competencies in the master's program "Chemical education" at the Institute of psychology and education; c) applied competencies in educational institutions (schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges) and management structures.